
“Just Say No” Debt Ceiling Emergency Fax Petition

Dear Concerned American,

Federal entitlement costs are out of control while our national debt is skyrocketing.

With your help, we can stem the tide of Big Government and stop Barack Obama and his liberal pals from spending us into oblivion.

So please authorize the National League of Taxpayers to send your this “Just Say No” Debt Ceiling Emergency Fax Petition to your Congressman and Senators.

And after you sign, please consider a generous contribution of $100, $75, $50, or $35 to help serve a mandate on the tax-and-spend politicians.

Remember, a generous supporter has agreed to match your contribution, dollar-for-dollar, no matter if you can give $10 or $100.


Gary Paumen, President
National League of Taxpayers

Just Say No to Debt Increases

Fax Petition to the United States Congress

Whereas:   The federal government has amassed an $86.8 trillion debt that threatens to topple the economy, bankrupt Social Security and Medicare, and condemn future generations to a lower standard of living; and
Whereas:   President Obama has shown no intention of fixing the United States’ finances, but is determined to add trillions more to the debt; and
Whereas:   The federal government can still spend more than $6.7 billion per day without increasing the debt ceiling one penny; and
Whereas:   All new government debt would instantly be stopped by simply defeating increases in the debt limit. Government would be forced to live within its means;
Therefore: In the interest of a sound economy and a fiscally sustainable future, I urge you to vote against any and all future increases to the debt ceiling.
By submitting your information below, you authorize the National League of Taxpayers to deliver your Emergency Fax Petition to your Senators and Congressman.

First Name:
Last Name:
